Sunday, December 25, 2005

The unbalance of power

Let me get this straight. The defense authorization bill approved by Congress this week protects US prisoners from abuse or mistreatment except you can torture them to get them to "confess" to being enemy combatants at which point they're sent to Cuba and anyone clapped into Gitmo gets even less access to US courts in order to challenge their incarcerations. They're pretty much at the mercy of the military courts.

The latter is a matter of great concern, since once again it suspends habeas protections. It's a huge strike against accountability in the executive branch and another dangerous step towards disempowering the judicial check in the balance of power. Just another sign we're sliding into fascism.

Meanwhile, in moment of sublime hypocrisy, US officials are refusing to release detainees into Iraqi police custody because their prisons don't meet our standards. What? They don't waterboard enough?
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