Friday, October 13, 2006

Don't quit the day job Peggy

I think Glenn Greenwald may have misread Peggy Noonan's lament for the loss of civility and grace in political disagreements. Surely, she was just making the little civilized and graceful jest. I mean, the world needs more genteel debaters like Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly and Dick Cheney. And you just can't get enough Malkins and Coulters rounded up these days for a good old-fashioned civil discourse. We need more Jeff Goldsteins and Joshua Goldbergs and there aren't enough of James Dobson and Don Rumsfeld's ilk to remind the people of the value of dissent.

Shame on us close minded liberals for failing to notice "the right" are so graciously defending an administration that values freedom of dissent above all else. Why they're spying on Quakers and prosecuting non violent, tshirt wearing dissenters for capitol crimes against the state, to protect them from terrorists. And you know, "treasonous appeaser" is just a little pet name among those value-based folks. It don't mean nothin'.

Clearly, Noonan's piece was a satire. If not for the fact that she writes in all seriousness for the Wall St Journal, it would certainly be funny.
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