Monday, April 21, 2008

Traveling Wilburys

by expatbrian

It was while George Harrison was having dinner in Los Angeles with Roy Orbison and producer Jeff Lynne that he mentioned he was going to go somewhere the next day and make up a tune. Roy agreed to join him.

They knew Bob Dylan had a studio in Malibu so George called him and he said sure, come on up. Harrison had left his guitar at Tom Petty's house and when he picked it up, Tom decided to join in, too. The result of this groups first effort was a song called Handle With Care.

They thought that one sounded pretty good and decided to do another 9 to make an album. They ended up recording the album in the kitchen at Dave Stewart's (Eurythmics) house. Harrison called the meeting and the results "magical". And so it was.

Youtube has an exceptional video of the whole story in three parts - (1) (2) (3) and its definitely worth watching. While Dylan is legendary, even in the eyes of these talented artists, it is obvious that all of them are in awe of Roy Orbison.

I make it a point not to miss performances by Dylan and while he usually appears nervous, angry or bored, playing with these guys he really seems to be having a good time.

Shortly after the album went platinum, Orbison died. When they did the music video for End of the Line, they paid tribute to Roy in a most memorable way. Enjoy.

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Blogger rockync said...

What an astounding musical experiment. They turned out some really great music; too bad they got together so late, but maybe that's what created the magic -- and still does. I love listening to their songs, they are timeless.

12:34:00 PM  

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