Monday, May 11, 2009


This is good news for a change. The White House is going to
reverse the Bush administration's policy
on anti-trust violations, that might have been best described as "look the other way."
Herbert Hovenkamp, a leading antitrust scholar regarded as a centrist between those seeking more aggressive enforcement and those who generally argue for restraint, said the guidelines by the Bush administration were “a brief for defendants.”

He said that the repudiation of those guidelines by the Obama administration “will almost certainly have a greater impact than the guidelines themselves had.”
No specific industry will be mention in the White House announcement but it's believed to be targeted at agriculture, energy, health care, technology, telecommunications companies and maybe even banksters. Further, small companies will be encouraged to bring complaints to the DOJ, where they are expected to be taken seriously again. Hope it's a real change and not just feel good rhetoric.

[More posts daily at The Detroit News]

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