Sunday, January 23, 2011

Don't blame Obama for Gitmo

McClatchy posts an article today, How Congress helped thwart Obama's plan to close Guantanamo. Excuse me, but "helped"? They're totally responsible for Gitmo still being in existence today. Let's review:
...Congress' prohibition on resettling any of the detainees in the United States hamstrung the administration's global search for countries willing to take the captives in. [...]

"Were we willing to take a couple of detainees ourselves, it would've made the job of moving detainees out of Guantanamo significantly easier,'' said the official, who agreed to speak only anonymously because of the delicacy of the diplomacy.
This is one of the lefty criticisms of Obama I've never understood. He tried to close it. Few seem to remember "two days after taking the oath of office, on Jan. 22, 2009, Obama signed an executive order instructing the military to close Guantanamo within a year." Then the GOPers, amplified by the media, started the knee quaking about bring those "dangerous terrorists" onto the sacred soil of the Homeland. Instead of calling them out as big sissies and pointing out their Commander Guy is the one who created this mess, the Democrats joined them in misplaced, pissy-pants paranoia.

There are many legitimate reasons to criticize Obama's handling of military policies bequeathed to him by the neo-cons, but I don't see Gitmo as being one of them.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ms Spencer "McClatchy posts an article today, How Congress helped thwart Obama's plan to close Guantanamo. Excuse me, but "helped"? They're totally responsible for Gitmo still being in existence today."

Let "review" You blame the GOP, and reluctantly admit the 'dems joined in

Your side had the Congressional majority since 2007. With Bush as President there was no way Gitmo was going to be closed

YOUR side had a filibuster proof majority in 2009. No obstacle to closing Gitmo if so desired

Yet the brunt of your blame goes to the GOP?

The Obama Justice Dept had such stellar success with the Ahmed Ghailani trial.

Remember the Obama Justice dept decision to hold the trial for Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in NYC? Not only did it not happen in NYC..It hasn't happened period. Two years in office and no trial (or conviction) Apparently no plan yet either (

Still going to blame the GOP for the Obama administration's lack of success?

Your side owns this (Gitmo) now


8:10:00 PM  
Blogger Capt. Fogg said...

So your saying that using Gitmo to hold people indefinitely without charge is something the "liberals" thought up? If it's such a bad thing, then why no blame for Bush? You did openly criticize the Bush administration, didn't you? or is this sudden sense of justice something you found under your pillow this morning.

Seriously, since you know you're not going to convince anyone or even be taken seriously, why are you here? Who is your audience, who pays you to flood the blog with cynical, condescending challenges? Why the intensity, the relentless obsession, the deep personal involvement, the passion?

Don't lie to me now.

9:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Capt Fogg " If it's such a bad thing, then why no blame for Bush? You did openly criticize the Bush administration, didn't you? or is this sudden sense of justice something you found under your pillow this morning."

Bush is "responsible" for Gitmo thorough his term. He never promised to close it to the best of my recollection

Since then its been President Obama's responsibility. Ms Spencer can opine as she wishes, but the facts don't change.

Please note: When presented with a opposing viewpoint she seldom replies


Capt Fogg "Seriously, since you know you're not going to convince anyone or even be taken seriously, why are you here? "

I enjoy a good debate/discussion. To date you are the only one in this echo chamber willing to discuss the topics Ms Spencer posts in any form or manner.

I find Ms Spencers MO fairly consistent


Capt Fogg "who pays you to flood the blog with cynical, condescending challenges? "

I post here on my own time, on my own dime. I still have a day job and pay a lot in taxes.


Capt "Don't lie to me now."

Care to defend the Obama Administrations handling of the Khalid Sheikh Mohammed trial?


9:18:00 PM  
Blogger Capt. Fogg said...

Opposing viewpoint? If I were prone to silliness, I'd giggle here. I scarcely see you as a dignified presence - more like dour, dull, relentless and monotonous pain in the ass. You lost all of your slim chance at respect with the bit about the war in Iraq having ended within weeks and pardon me for not buying your precious distinction between war and daily fighting in the streets.

Why, pray tell, is anyone obligated to hear your talking points or to spar with you? Your sense of self importance and superiority alone make ignoring you almost a duty. And your amateur attempts to back people into corners could be the basis for one of those TLC shows like "How not to Prosecute"

And of course this isn't a court, there's no jury.

Oh really? You pay taxes and have a job? How unique, how precious and I feel so sorry for you. Here, I'll give Warren Buffet another 1% and that'll fix it.

10:29:00 AM  

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